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Why we are passionate about preventing over-indebtedness in the society

Enento Group was established with the mission of decrease over-indebtedness in society. We are very proud to have contributed to a sustainable economy in society for over a century. But this is ongoing work and below are some of the initiatives that we have within the company. 

Our business is built on trust. Our services help other companies to act more responsibly in their businesses. We also help people to make well-thought-out decisions in their personal lives. Since we have a huge volume of data on companies and consumers in our database –privacy and security are very important in everything we do. We strive for being the role model in these areas. 

High-quality data

Our services affect almost everybody. Therefore, we need to take a very high level of responsibility. The ability to access accurate, relevant, and up-to-date information is essential for people, businesses, and society to take intelligent and reliable decisions. This is also an important part of a well-functioning society.

Knowledge at an early age is key

With our experience, we know that the foundation to a good and healthy financial life is knowledge and control. And this knowledge needs to be established at an early age. Preferable already in school. We think it’s important that young people learn from an early age how to handle their finances and the implication of taking credits. 

To improve this, we continuously educate young people to become more aware of their finances. We support them in avoiding payment defaults and growing up to be active in shaping our future society. Our projects for young adults are TarkkaFyrkka in cooperation with Young Academy in Finland and The Bill in cooperation with Fryshuset in Sweden. During these years we have been able to meet and talk with thousands of kids and young adults. We have seen some good progress too. For instance, in Finland, now fewer young people (18-20) have payment default remarks than before.

Irresponsible lending

But it doesn’t matter how good the data is or how educated the general public is if lending isn’t done responsibly. In the Nordic countries, we have seen the importance of responsible lending, in Sweden for example the number of people not being able to pay back their credits is higher than ever before and this goes for Finland as well. 

There are unfortunately some players in the market that want to lend money even though they know the person borrowing probably won’t be able to repay the credit. Sometimes this is even part of their business strategy. This is something we would like to change and for some time have initiated a debate around this topic and we want politicians to start looking into how this can be changed. 

As a company, we very much feel appreciated in society and therefore want to bring our expertise and data to give something back to it. We Care and Dare!


If you are curious to find out more about us and our history I can recommend the video below.

Victoria Preger

Director, Marketing & Communications

Victoria loves communication and has been working within journalism, marketing, PR and communication since 1999. In her spare time she loves to be outdoor in the nature and to spend time in the holiday house in Åland. Here she writes about sustainability, our role in the society, customers experience, customer cases and new services.

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