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Welcome onboard Jeanette! Let’s listen and learn – get to know each other

What a way to kick off 2022: getting the new CEO onboard Enento Group! Jeanette Jäger is here with us now. Even in pandemic times the company has been growing and developing. So it’s not some news anymore to execute the onboarding process of a new colleague with hybrid methods: mainly via Teams and in some special occasions live. Still, there is something extra in the air when the colleague to be onboarded is the new CEO, joining us outside of the company, right? From where to begin, what to do first? Get to know with people, of course!

So, Jeanette, you have over 420 new colleagues – or Enentos as we sometimes call ourselves – what do you know about them?

Too little! That is why it is key to meet with you and to listen to your stories, experiences, and ideas as well as worries, if there are any. My first two to three months period will be very much about listening and learning. I’m building my impression of where we have been, where we are and where are we going.

It is also important for me to understand what makes us walk the extra mile, as a group and individuals. We have and will be facing great changes around us. There will be changes regarding customers and the whole society, needs and expectations for us to be “futureproof”. Because of that we will need to walk that extra mile. Or miles, actually.

How do you see the future of Enento then, what will change?

As a new CEO you often get this question 😊 I believe that the future of Enento, like the culture and values of the company doesn’t change because of the new CEO. The strategy you have set together is on track and will continue. As I have learned, the strategy was made in the process 2019 based on what our customers, owners, society and colleagues expect of Enento. That’s what still matters!
We will continue to reach for the leading position in the Nordic and grow 5-10%. We keep innovating and developing new business solutions. Our goal still is to streamline our business operations and our Transformation!

Thank you, Jeanette, and once more: Welcome to Enento! #wegrowtogether!

Victoria Preger

Director, Marketing & Communications

Victoria loves communication and has been working within journalism, marketing, PR and communication since 1999. In her spare time she loves to be outdoor in the nature and to spend time in the holiday house in Åland. Here she writes about sustainability, our role in the society, customers experience, customer cases and new services.

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