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The quality in our data is the core of our business

High quality data has always been the core of our business. Therefore, it makes us very proud to learn that 70 percent of our most satisfied B2B customers would recommend us to others because of the high quality and user-friendliness of our services. It is important for us to continue deliver high quality and to live up to our customers’ expectations.  

Our customers are companies working both towards other companies and end-consumers, as well as authorities. We also have end-consumers as our customers. We always try to challenge ourselves and to be innovative. Therefore, it feels good that almost 60 percent of our customers (B2B) in Finland and Sweden think we are innovative (according to a regular customer survey we conduct). Our advanced analytics ensure the best scoring models and enables our customers to grow.

So, how do we gather, analyse and deliver our data?

We offer a broad selection of services that are all based on our comprehensive database. Data is acquired from several public data sources, from our customers themselves as well as through our own data gathering processes. In accordance with our strategy, we also focus in the utilisation of so-called unstructured data, such as data collected from companies’ websites.  

Data gathering

We gather highly automated data from reliable public and private data sources directly in to our systems and databases. We have unique data from multiple sources that are updated on a regular basis.

  • Review
    We organise, review and clean data before inserting into the database.
  • Combine
    We gather, combine and entwine data based on customer needs.
  • Analyse
    We do need-based analysing and modelling of data before inserting it into the database. Did you know that we introduced credit scoring on the Swedish market already in 1991?

Once stored, data can be refined several times. The amount of information in the database, the details of the information as well as the ability to combine and entwine the data with the information from the customers creates a competitive edge. Financial statement recordings in Finland are audited regularly by PwC. In 2019 zero essential mistakes was found in our data.

Service Development

We offer a wide range of highly processed services and always develop our products and services in close cooperation and dialogues with our customers.

Main distribution

Our services can be integrated directly into our client’s business and decision-making processes through APIs. Most of our services are automated or delivered via user interface or online services. We also offer services via open business information service and via different offline products as one-off deliveries.

Here you can read more about our data and data sources.

/Victoria Preger

Victoria Preger

Director, Marketing & Communications

Victoria loves communication and has been working within journalism, marketing, PR and communication since 1999. In her spare time she loves to be outdoor in the nature and to spend time in the holiday house in Ă…land. Here she writes about sustainability, our role in the society, customers experience, customer cases and new services.

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