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Sustainability at Enento Group

Since 1905, our mission has been to contribute to a sustainable economy in society. How are we working with this area nowadays?

– One of the reasons Enento Group was established, in Tampere, Finland, already in 1905, was with the purpose to support with information and data to decrease over-indebtedness in the society. Ever since we have been powering society with intelligence. One of our four focus areas within our sustainability work is still to contribute to a more sustainable economy in society. I had the opportunity to talk with Heikki Ruponen who works in our Marketing team and also is working a lot with those topics in his daily working life at Enento.

What does it mean that Enento Group contributes to a sustainable economy in society?

– Enento Group has an important role in Nordic societies. Every day we help companies and people to make responsible decisions. At the same time, our work has a big impact on individuals’ daily life. Even though we don’t make decisions about loans, for example, we can be seen as a company that breaks someone’s dreams.

Enento Group works to get information about personal finances, credit information and payment defaults to the people. When businesses have services to make sustainable decisions and people have knowledge of how to keep their personal finances in order the whole society will win.

There will always be going to persons and companies who have issues with their finances. If we reach those people and companies on time, we can help them get back on their feed.

How do you, as a company work proactively to decrease over-indebtedness in the Nordic region?

– Our daily work and services are the backbone of our work against over-indebtedness. Since we want to also reach people before they get financial problems, we offer information and education for young people. They are eager to learn more about their finances and, how to avoid mistakes when taking the first steps to adulthood. With our knowledge, we can offer quality content to educational institutes for example, reach people on time.

What are the projects The Bill and Tarkka Fyrkka are about? What do you do more concretely?

– Tarkka Fyrkka and The Bill are our projects for young people. We offer education and information, which is suitable for educational institutes, people working with young people and obviously for the young people themselves. We have been developing the content for many years and created many good ways of getting attention to an important issue.

For example, we keep workshops and events where we teach how to handle personal finances, digital educations, webinars for teachers and quality content for schools so that they can also have workshops by themselves.

I know that our customer operations teams also do a fantastic job in educating and helping the general public. Tell me more about that.

– Well, as I said, our daily work is our backbone. Our customers and consumers help get thousands of calls every month. Many people reach us when they get payment default and are, stressed about that. Payment default is serious for individuals and companies, but it can also be the first step for a better financial future. If we can help and advise people when they reach us, we can make a difference in their daily life.

I have participated in many Tarkka Fyrkka lessons. One thing that I want people to understand is to ask for help when you are struggling with your finances. Many organizations help people with their finances.

There is nothing to be ashamed of if you have payment defaults. It takes courage to start the journey for a better financial situation, but it is worth it.


Victoria Preger

Director, Marketing & Communications

Victoria loves communication and has been working within journalism, marketing, PR and communication since 1999. In her spare time she loves to be outdoor in the nature and to spend time in the holiday house in Ă…land. Here she writes about sustainability, our role in the society, customers experience, customer cases and new services.

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