

This is what sustainability means to us

Sustainable societies and economies are built on trust. Our sustainability journey started already in 1905, when Finnish businessmen assembled at the Seurahuone hotel in Tampere with the purpose of founding a credit information agency. Suomen Luotonantajayhdistys (which now has developed into Enento Group) was born. At that time, the mission was to enable responsible lending and preventing excessive debt incursion in the society. We are still today powering society with data and intelligence with the purpose to contribute to a more sustainable economy in the society so this has always been in the core of everything we do. We are working with sustainability within four different focus areas:

1) How we contribute to a more sustainable economy in the society
2) We help customers with sustainable services
3) Enento Group as a sustainable workplace
4) Our environmental impact

Todat, we contribute to a more sustainable economy in the society by helping people, businesses and the societies in Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway with reliable credit and business information data which is used in important decisions within businesses and in people’s lives.

Our core business is to create sustainable data-based services of high quality to consumers, entrepreneurs, large companies, and banks. We can see an important future customer need to use sustainability data in decision making. An objective we at Enento Group have for the next years is to be able to provide our customers with a Nordic offering of new services with sustainability data and ESG reports. The Enento ESG reports are built from various data items to evaluate how sustainable companies are from their environmental responsibility, social responsibility, and corporate governance point of view.

One of the biggest challenges the world is facing right now is climate change. Therefore, we at Enento Group have also set ambitious targets in lowering our own carbon footprint over the next years, and our aim is to reduce our emissions to net zero by 2023.

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