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Members of Enento Group’s Shareholders’ Nomination Board have been appointed and Board’s proposal


Members of Enento Group’s Shareholders’ Nomination Board have been appointed and Board’s proposal

The Shareholders’ Nomination Board of Enento Group Plc to prepares proposals in relation to the election and remuneration of members of the Board of Directors to the next Annual General Meeting.

Based on the Nomination Board’s Charter, representatives of the three largest shareholders as at the end of September are appointed to the Nomination Board.

The Chairman of the Company’s Board of Directors and a person nominated by the Board of Directors are expert members of the Nomination Board.

The three largest shareholders according to the share register as on 30 September 2021 were Sampo Plc, Nordea Bank Abp and Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB.

The companies appointed Petri Niemisvirta (Sampo Plc), Mats Torstendahl (Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB) and Hugo Preutz (Nordea Bank Abp) as members of the Nomination Board. Patrick Lapveteläinen is a member of the Nomination Board as the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The Board elected Petri Niemisvirta as Chairman.

Proposal of the Nomination Board to the AGM in spring 2022

Enento Group Plc’s Nomination Board proposes that the number of Board members be six (6).

The Board proposes that Petri Carpén, Erik Forsberg, Martin Johansson, Tiina Kuusisto, Patrick Lapveteläinen and Minna Parhiala be reelected as members of the Board of Directors.

Petri Carpén (born in 1958) has been a Board member since 2014. He is Director of Nets Oy.

Erik Forsberg (born in 1971, Swedish citizen) has been a Board member since 2021. He is Chairman of the Board of Collectia A/S and Member of the Board in several other companies.

Martin Johansson (born in 1962, Swedish citizen) has been a Board member since 2018. He is Senior Advisor to CEO at Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB.

Tiina Kuusisto (born in 1968) has been a Board member since 2019. She is Director (Chief Customer Officer) in Kojamo Oyj.

Patrick Lapveteläinen (born in 1966) has been a Board member since 2016. He is Investment Director in Sampo Plc.

Minna Parhiala (born in 1967) has been a Board member since 2020. She is Director (Head of Business Area, Nordea Personal Banking) in Nordea Group.

The Board proposes that the remuneration payable to the Board of Directors Chairperson be 53 000 euros per year and to other Board members 37 500 euros per year. An attendance fee of 500 euros shall be paid per Board of Directors meeting.

The Board proposes that chairpersons of Board of Directors committees shall be paid an attendance fee of 500 euros and the committee members shall be paid an attendance fee of 400 euros per committee meeting.

The Board proposes that no remuneration will be paid to the Nomination Board members.

The Board proposes that reasonable travelling expenses for the attendance to the meetings shall be paid to members.

The Board proposes that this proposal for remuneration will become effective after the next Annual General Meeting.

The Board proposes that the Charter of the Shareholders Nomination Board point 2. will be amended to be as follows:

2. Composition and Election of the Nomination Board

The Nomination Board consists of four members, three of which represent the Company’s three largest shareholders who, on 30 September preceding the next Annual General Meeting, hold the largest number of votes calculated of all shares in the Company. The Chairperson of the Board of Directors shall, as expert member, be member of the Nomination Board.

The proposals of the Nomination Board will be included in the invitation to the Annual General Meeting.


For further information:
Juuso Jokela, Legal Counsel
Enento Group Plc
Tel. +358 10 270 7403

Nasdaq Helsinki
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Enento Group is a Nordic knowledge company powering society with intelligence since 1905. We collect and transform data into intelligence and knowledge used in interactions between people, businesses and societies. Our digital services, data and information empower companies and consumers in their daily digital decision processes, as well as financial processes and sales and marketing processes. Approximately 425 people are working for Enento Group in Finland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The Group’s net sales for 2020 was 151.3 MEUR. Enento Group is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki with the trading code ENENTO.

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