Hybrid Work at Enento

Hybrid Work at Enento

We have chosen a hybrid set up for how we work that allows us to combine the benefits from working from the office with the benefits from working from other places. Our model is built on our core value, trust, and it’s up to the teams to agree on their Hybrid Work set up. Here you can get the answer to some frequently asked questions.

What do that mean to our employees?
Hybrid work at Enento group means that we combine the “benefits” from working both at the office and remote to assure that each employee can maintain a good work-life balance. The nature of the work/tasks gives us a direction when planning when and where to perform our work. Each team finds their own level of hybrid work. The nature of the tasks gives the direction for planning when and where to work.  There will be needs on a company/team level to consider and individual preferences/needs that will have an impact of the level of hybrid work. Finding our new way of working requires continuously evaluation and adjustments to be able to find our way.

Which roles are included?
Hybrid work is for all our positions. There are a few roles where being in the office or remote either full-time or part-time makes a lot of sense.

Can I work from anywhere?
Where you choose to work is not that important if you perform your work in a safe and a secure way. The focus is to offer our employees the ability to work from anywhere within the country that you are employed. Each employee is connected to one of our offices, but it is the team that decide about the hybrid work level and when it is preferable to be at the office.

What if I work from another city/place then the office and we have a mandatory meeting, who will cover the travel expenses?
Every employee has their belonging to one of our offices, so even if you work from somewhere else it is your responsibility to be present at the offices when it is needed. Potential costs are covered by you. An example of a mandatory event could be a physical kick off which you shall be informed about in good advance, so you are able to plan your travels.

I would like to move to another city within my home country, how would that work?
It is up to each team to decide about the level of hybrid work and for you to decide where to perform your work remote. You have the belonging to one of our offices and you might still need to go to the office for some meetings or team activities. The travel to and from the office is considered as regular travel to office time and is not included in your work time, any potential travel and living costs related to those occasions are covered by you.

Can I work from anywhere in the world?
Dependent on your role and tasks it is possible to work from other countries. For now we have opened up for our employees to work within EU short term (max 6 months/year), this due to legislation, information security, taxes as well as GDPR. If you want to work abroad, you will need an approval from your Manager and HR.

Can I work any time I want?
Working time is not affected by hybrid work, you have the same working hours per day and week as before and is steered by the Nordic time zones.

Will the level of hybrid work have an impact on my career development?
We are putting a lot of focus to ensure that our ways of working are inclusive and workable for everyone. Your development within Enento is important to us, and our development process ensures that you and your manager have the tools and routines in place to ensure that you stay on track regardless of the level of hybrid work.

Can I work from another Enento office, then the one I am connected to?
Yes, you are welcome to work from all our offices! Just make sure that there is space for you and that it works with your team and tasks.

I feel that I work well from home, why should I come to the office?
The offices are the base of our hybrid working model. The offices are our place of collaboration, networking, creativity, and a place to share knowledge and learning insights.

How will we create sense of belonging?
We will work to maintain a strong sense of belonging in our Hybrid work. To do so we are planning to have activities on Nordic level as well as locally, which pay attention to the aspects of office as a place of collaboration, networking, creativity and to share knowledge and learning insights. We will support this by having collaboration days and similar activities at the offices.

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