Services for companies

Services for companies

Services for efficient decision making

We provide you with the right information to make more reliable credit assessments and business decisions. We help both small and larger companies in their everyday business. We offer flexible solutions and delivery options. You can buy our services directly online, via one of our sales representatives or have the information integrated with your systems directly via API. We provide you with the best possible company credit information and consumer credit information. You can also benefit from our risk models, score models and credit assessment expertise to enabling you to make the right decisions.  

Services to increase sales and boost marketing

We help you to find, understand and gain insight about your customers. This involves identifying new customer segments and gaining a deeper understanding about your existing customers. We offer valuable tools for finding and analysing customers. Of course, you can also easily have the data and information integrated to your own systems.

Services with real estate information

We can provide you with valuable information on buildings, their residents and housing association apartments. Resident information can be used for managing and property maintenance purposes. We can also help you to get a suitable information package for different stages of trading more easily than by selecting separate documents. Our local services report provides information on schools, shops, public services and transportation. We do also have online service solutions for real estate business and resident survey. 

Services to show the value of your company

A certificate from us, whether it is a UC Sigill (Sweden) or a Strongest in Finland Certificate (Finland), is a powerful tool. It shows your company’s creditworthiness to others, your company’s positive financial figures and good payment behaviour.

When you want to keep up with competitors’ actions in the market, or when you try to find ways to strengthen your own market position, our Competitor and Field Report is a very cost-effective tool for background information when evaluating investments and preparing acquisitions.

We can give you reliable and neutral information about the value of companies. Our valuation reports are based on clear and comprehensive data and an effective tool for analysing and developing businesses.

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