Our four focus areas

Our four focus areas

Enento Group was established with the mission of decrease over-indebtedness in society. Now, we have contributed to a sustainable economy in society for over a century. This is a strong and important part of our work with sustainability, but sustainability for us is also so much more. Here is a short description of how we work with sustainability in four different areas.

How do we help our customers with sustainable services?

Our business is built on trust. Our products and services help other companies to act more responsibly in their businesses. Since we have a huge volume of data on companies and consumers in our database –privacy and security are very important in everything we do. We strive for being the role model in these areas. With our services, companies can comply with laws and regulations and find responsible co-operation partners, for example by using our Environmentally Sustainable Governance Report – the ESG report. Our ESG report can help you to do responsible decisions using positive data. Here you can read about how one of our customers uses our ESG report.

How do we work with our own environmental impact?

We have the ambition to decrease our own environmental footprint every year. When our Nordic entity first was created in 2018, we increased our traveling. We realized fast that we needed to decrease it and rather invest in good technical support systems for video meetings and conferences than meeting face-to-face. At Enento Group we have set the target to decrease the number of flights and traveling by 10 percent. We have also decided to target zero emissions by 2023. Reducing our environmental impact also includes how sustainable our offices are when it comes to energy, recycling and purchases. You can read more about this in our non-financial-report.

How do we work with our sustainable workplace?

Since 2018 we have a cooperation with “Great Place to Work”. The result from our latest Trust Index Survey showed that our biggest strength is that we are a friendly workplace. We have fun at work and we have a group of volunteer employees creating activities for our employees on a regular basis. At Enento Group, we are also very keen on diversity. Therefore, we have policy’s that secure diversity in recruiting and marketing. Now, we are 42 percent women and 58 percent men employed at Enento Group. For the next years, we have the ambition to strengthen our employees with more women, especially in IT and product development. Quality, competence and a mindset of continuous learning are also very important for us. Since 2015 we are certified in Finland according to ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System. Also, we educate our employees on a regular basis in GDPR and about the Swedish and Finnish credit information act.    

How do we contribute to a more sustainable economy in the society?

Our services affect almost everybody. Therefore, we need to take a very high level of responsibility. The ability to access accurate, relevant, and up-to-date information is essential for people, businesses, and society to take intelligent and reliable decisions. This is also an important part of a well-functioning society.

Personal finance issues for young adults are another notable matter in the Nordic region. In order to improve this, we continuously educate young people to become more aware of their personal finances. We support them in avoiding payment defaults and growing up to be active in shaping our future society. Our own projects for young adults are TarkkaFyrkka in cooperation with Young Academy in Finland and The Bill in cooperation with Fryshuset in Sweden.



TarkkaFyrkka is our education program for young people and their own finances, launched in Finland in 2011.


The Bill is our education program to support young people under 21 years, with their own finances, launched in Sweden 2017.

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