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Some insight from this year’s The Sales Conference

Last week, The Sales Conference took place, and this year the format of the event was slightly different as it was a digital event. The purpose of the day remains the same though, to inspire and give tips on new trends, innovations, how to work more data-driven with marketing as well as providing customer experiences out of the ordinary. All with sustainability in focus. The event is targeted at decision-makers within sales and marketing. 

Since the event was digital due to current circumstances, it opened up for 6 500 people to register from 70 countries. UC has been participating in this event for several years now, we have had speaking slots, acting as jury members as well as having our stand in the exhibition area. The Sales Conference is an interesting and ideal meeting place for us considering our offering within market information services. It is inspiring to listen to interesting speakers and learn what trends are important in the industry in the future. I know many of us participated digitally this year but we also acted as one of the partners providing quantitative data and analysis – this is something we do every year. 

The Sales Awards

Also, I was given the opportunity to be part of the jury for the Sales Awards. A great honour I believe! Every year, organisations and individuals that have been good role models and ambassadors, when it comes to a modern approach to working with sales and marketing, are awarded. It was great fun to be part of the jury and the competition was tough! 

What’s your problem?

There were many different speakers during the day. One speaker that I thought stood out was Stefan Hyttfors who caught my attention with his opening line “What’s your problem?”. The answer to that question we are all eager to learn to truly understand our customers. If you have the answer to that question you can look into the future and who wouldn’t like to do just that? For us at Enento Group one of our main focuses is to understand our customer’s key challenges. By identifying them it is easier for us to predict the future for our customers through our predictive models and scoring products

Sustainability and Innovation

Märta Rehnberg is another great speaker that I am already familiar with since she has participated as a speaker at one of our own events in Sweden, UC-dagen. It is always fascinating to hear her compassion and strong belief in sustainability, the environment, and cool innovations helping us being more environmentally friendly.

Dare to experiment

It was also interesting to feel the energy provided by Anssi Rantanen when he spoke about his experience with Google and Google Tribe Academy. He also spoke about analysing fast-growing companies and how he teaches strategies to do this. One insight that I will take with me from him is “Dare to experiment to learn more, by doing so you will be able to grow quicker”. 

My favourite breakout session was with Emma Storbacka from Avaus who generously shared her insight on how to become a data-driven and automated company and from that boost your sales figures. If you are interested to find out more on this topic there is a great guide that you can download here. Something that I have already done myself. 

Hope to see each other IRL next year! 

Even though I missed the pulse and the energy it gives to meet in person at such an event I have to say that the digital forum was very interesting, and I got both new insight and inspiration from it. But next year I hope we can meet in real life again! 


Victoria Preger

Director, Marketing & Communications

Victoria loves communication and has been working within journalism, marketing, PR and communication since 1999. In her spare time she loves to be outdoor in the nature and to spend time in the holiday house in Åland. Here she writes about sustainability, our role in the society, customers experience, customer cases and new services.

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