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Elina Stråhlman, CFO

Meet Elina Stråhlman, who works as CFO for Enento Group, based in Helsinki, Finland.

Why did you choose to start working for Enento Group?

I am impressed by the company’s journey and believe that there are great opportunities in the future to continue to grow and offer value-creating products and services to our customers. Both by refining and enriching the data we handle, but also by new creative solutions and cross-border collaborations. I definitely want to be part of this journey. Also, I truly like the agile way of working and it suits me good, since innovation is an important part of Enento Group.

In addition, I can easy adapt to our core values, those fits well with me as a person and I think it is a good foundation to build a sustainable company and to contribute to a sustainable economy in the society.

What qualities do you appreciate with your colleagues?

I appreciate when my colleagues have a high level of integrity and can be trusted, and that’s the way I want to be perceived myself. Also, it is about finding people with different qualities who work well together. The best ideas and the best results are obtained if different people with different characteristics work together. Then you can also challenge each other to see things from a different point of view and together find the best solution. I personally like challenges!

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